Thursday, 17 March 2011

Monday, 14 February 2011


These are two more video examples. when producing these i realy had motive to make it because they where for both riders p.e exams, i choose to go with a dull background to show the sevearness of the winter weather and how the elements wont stop a rider. i choose to film both at the skatepark to show a contrast between the two riders style within the same setting.

This is the first of the two when working with angles i tried to get as close as my camera would alow and used a mixture of still and motion shots. i filmed this over a week which explains both change in outfit and change in lighting. what i feel didnt work with this is the realy dark sections and the fact it wasnt all done in one day i would have liked to have the same background throughout and to show more of a story.



This is the second video this when filming i enjoyed more than the other it was alot less relaxed and max realy felt an urge to push his rideing to get some good clips. Although bith videos are very similer the rideing in the first is alot more intense and the second seems more relaxed. When editing both i chose not to use transitions to me personaly i think they look less professional other than your general fades. This was also filmed over a week period and again i would have liked to add more of a story to the piece.

set 2 photos

winter part one video;
this is the video i have produced for my final outcome it uses a variation of shots from close ups to far away shots and when experimenting with angles i tryed to look for ones i havnt seen used around that area before. i tryed to stay manly at the skate park to show the viewer how we see it as a second home and to show a form of street videography. when editing the piece i tryed to keep it simple in terms of slow motion effect and transitions and mainly changed the exposure in the piece.

winter part 1 from jake ellis on Vimeo.

Set 1 pathway ideas

Here are my first four contrast photos, it was realy enjoyable to look through photoes i had taken and selecting certain ones to show a contrast. Even to the ain inspiration was from jefferson i chose to not only show a contrast in relaxing and bmx i chooses to choose weather types and night and day which i felt worked well because it shows how different we dress react and how different a place can look.

Artist Analysis; Mike king

Mike King is well known in the bmx scene as one of the best videographers of our time. Hes online video portfolio had built up over the past seven years and he has gone from makeing simple videos of him and his friend to it literally takeing over his life. He works lives and breths video editing and has been hired on countless ocasions to produce advertisement videos for riders and companys and has previously had reguler slots in bmx magazines. haveing the previlige to call him aa friend you see how commited to his work he is and his website shows him at his strongest. When producing a video he takes into account angles editing tecniques and lighting and is previlidged enough to travel the world doing what he does which lead to him learning the techniques from alover the globe. when studying his videos ive noticed the following;
when makeing advertisements he never adds clips of a rider falling of this is because it wouldnt make the company he is making the video for look very profesional its only when you see his out takes videos you notice this.
he often shows a clip from more than one angle usualy one close and one distant and when editing avoids crazy tecniques and only usues slow motion when necessary, he mainly usus's filters and colour changes such as exposure to make the piece more artsy.
he dosnt often stay to close to the rider and alows other object to be in the the video below you see examples of the above, this was when a new bmx part was relesed and mike and cameron took a trip to california to promote the piece.

Cam Hardy - A Week In Cali from Mike King on Vimeo.

this next video is mikes most recent and it promotes his website and is of a holiday he recently took. it shows how a video for company is different to a video for fun. yet also shows the similarities between the two.

FFWDBMX In Lisbon from Mike King on Vimeo.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

atiba jefferson research


Atiba Jefferson is a modern day photography. he started off as a teenager with a camera who took photos of his friends whilst they were out skating and now owns his own magazine and shoots photos for not only pro skateboarders but all types of sport. he is an inspiration and his intrest and dedications is shown through his photos.atiba sees angles that not alot of photographers do and especialy when it comes to adverts and promotions his pieces truely stand out he is often called to shot nba basketball pros for adverts and during games aswell as working with some of the biggest musicians and sportsmen and woman around. Aswell as the mainstream stuff he is also an established location photographer who uses street photography landscape pieces and uses elements like natural light sunsets and structure to produce intresting and admireable pieces. he travels around the world exploring culture how the sport of skateboarding is different in one country than it does in another which is what i would like to do. using his trip to chinas examples i will try to recreate these photos to show a relevance to the photographer aswell as some of his other pieces.

after becoming greatly acknowledged throughout the professional skateboarding scene Atiba found himself getting the oppertunitys to expand his portfoloio ang work in other sports which he had previously done befor. Basketball was one of atibas pasttimes and aswell as skateboarding he photographed for the LA.Lakers. This photo is off Terrence Williams who plays for the Houstan Rockets. This photo to me is a definition of photography the whole piece is intresting and effective the use of red black and white keeps a controlled contrast and like many other of his photgraphs makes you see the piece as a whole you dont view it in parts.

This photograph is very interesting its a contrast shot which atiba does very often this is uncommon as his contrast shots usualy encoperate skateboarding. its refreshing to see a change and shows a contrast between relaxed and serious and this impresion is given off in the cloathing alone. The use of brightly colourd trainers on older men suggest fun and relaxasion its almost asif they are being young again on the right side and i feel he is trying to represent your inner child in the sense that on the left sad he looks dressed for his age and not as happy. main reason for likeing this piece is that its on the same background which is atibas way of makeing you focus on the people by not haveing a complex

This is drawing away from some of his more planned work and realy takes street photography back to its roots, this was taken on a trip to china, the piece show order and what would seem odd to us as it isnt naturaly seen in our culture yet in their culture it is probly common to see a man sitting in the back of an open van and we see this because behind the main man in focus there is another man looking very similer to the first man doing the same job. The second van further back drws almost as much attention as the firs as it gives a clearer view of whats going on its almost asif its a far shot and a close up shot all mixed into one.

This photo is of ‘my name is earl’ star Jason Lee but what many people dont know is that he was a proffesional skateboarder befor the tv show. He is loved by many skateboarders and tv viewers alike and this photo another contrast show shows maybe the two sides of his life, photos like this realy do help to show two sides of a person, the photo itself islike many other of atibas photos intresting and eyecatching the colours are realy balanced and give a realy warm feel to the viewer and the undershadow relates to his ‘dark side’ the fact he is so close to him whilst in motion without keeping it blured is hard to achieve for a normal photographer but it shows that atiba is on another level.