Monday, 14 February 2011

Artist Analysis; Mike king

Mike King is well known in the bmx scene as one of the best videographers of our time. Hes online video portfolio had built up over the past seven years and he has gone from makeing simple videos of him and his friend to it literally takeing over his life. He works lives and breths video editing and has been hired on countless ocasions to produce advertisement videos for riders and companys and has previously had reguler slots in bmx magazines. haveing the previlige to call him aa friend you see how commited to his work he is and his website shows him at his strongest. When producing a video he takes into account angles editing tecniques and lighting and is previlidged enough to travel the world doing what he does which lead to him learning the techniques from alover the globe. when studying his videos ive noticed the following;
when makeing advertisements he never adds clips of a rider falling of this is because it wouldnt make the company he is making the video for look very profesional its only when you see his out takes videos you notice this.
he often shows a clip from more than one angle usualy one close and one distant and when editing avoids crazy tecniques and only usues slow motion when necessary, he mainly usus's filters and colour changes such as exposure to make the piece more artsy.
he dosnt often stay to close to the rider and alows other object to be in the the video below you see examples of the above, this was when a new bmx part was relesed and mike and cameron took a trip to california to promote the piece.

Cam Hardy - A Week In Cali from Mike King on Vimeo.

this next video is mikes most recent and it promotes his website and is of a holiday he recently took. it shows how a video for company is different to a video for fun. yet also shows the similarities between the two.

FFWDBMX In Lisbon from Mike King on Vimeo.

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