Sharon Elphic analysis;
Sharon Elphick is a contemporary textile designer who produces modern day patterns usualy on a blank white page or canvas abd hasnt realy been seen to use other backgrounds unless the page is filled completely with photographs.Her ol;der pieces mainly uses patterns she found inand around London,and various other parts of the globe. Her latest pieces focus on modern day life where she looks for uncommon things like: graffiti, along with other markings from roads, pavements, buildings which arnt commonly seen and are special.
This is my Elphic inspired piece i used a basic circle frame for each of the 9 photos, i like the way it came out as it shows a difference in trends and expression aswell as a variation of photos some blured some close up etcetera. even tho i dont think i will use this technique on a reguler basis it was good to see something new that isnt seen often and to attempt to work in the style of somebody else ment i had to use images that worked together without a major difference in size and colour.
juices in my fucking ass